Craps Guide at Bluewater Resort and Casino

Craps is an exciting, fast-paced casino game with a variety of bets. At Bluewater Resort And Casino, experience the thrill of craps with clear and transparent rules.

Playing Rules at Bluewater Resort and Casino

Players must roll the dice so they hit the opposite wall of the table. Intentionally delaying the game by improperly setting the dice is prohibited. The Floor Supervisor’s decision on rules and gameplay is final.

Pass Line Bet

On the first roll (Come out roll), a 7 or 11 wins for Pass Line bettors. A 2, 3, or 12 loses. Any other number establishes the “point.” If the point is rolled again before a 7, the bet wins. If a 7 is rolled before the point, the bet loses, and the dice pass to the next player.

Don’t Pass Line Bet

The opposite of the Pass Line, on the Come out roll, a 2 or 3 wins for Don’t Pass bettors, a 7 or 11 loses, and a 12 pushes (ties). Any other number establishes the point. The bet wins if a 7 is rolled before the point. When a 7 is rolled, the dice pass to the next player.

Come Bet

After the point is established, players can place a Come bet, which is similar to a Pass Line bet.

Don’t Come Bet

After the point is established, players can place a Don’t Come bet, similar to a Don’t Pass Line bet.

Odds Bet

Players can place an Odds bet (an additional bet) on Pass Line or Come bets. Odds payouts depend on the point: 6 or 8 pays 6 to 5; 5 or 9 pays 3 to 2; 4 or 10 pays 2 to 1. Players can also place Lay Odds on Don’t Pass Line or Don’t Come bets with reverse payouts.

Place Bets

Players can bet on any number to be rolled. Payouts are: 6 or 8 pays 7 to 6; 5 or 9 pays 7 to 5; 4 or 10 pays 9 to 5.

Buy Bets and Buy Lay Bets

Buy Bets and Buy Lay Bets allow players to bet directly on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 without waiting for the number to be established. There’s a 5% commission on Buy Bets and 5% on winning Buy Lay Bets. A Buy Bet wins if the chosen number is rolled before a 7. A Buy Lay Bet wins if a 7 is rolled before the chosen number.

Big 6 and 8 Bets

The player wins if a 6 or 8 is rolled before a 7. Payout is 1 to 1.

Field Bet

The Field is a one-roll bet. The player wins if a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 is rolled. 2 and 12 pay double, other numbers pay 1 to 1.

Proposition Bets

Proposition Bets are one-roll bets on specific numbers (7, 11, 2, 3, 12) or combinations, including Hardways (4, 6, 8, 10). 2 or 12 pays 30 to 1; 3 or 11 pays 15 to 1; 7 pays 4 to 1. Hardways win if the number is rolled as a pair and lose if rolled any other way or if a 7 is rolled. Hard 4 and 10 pay 7 to 1; Hard 6 and 8 pay 9 to 1. Hopping Hardways pay 30 to 1. Side bets are prohibited.

In case of an invalid dice roll, all bets are void and returned to the player. If a bet exceeds the table limit, the bet will be accepted up to the maximum, and the excess will be returned. If a player doesn’t bet the table minimum, the Floor Supervisor will be notified, and the bet will be accepted while the Supervisor explains the minimum bet. For repeated violations, the bet will be void and returned.

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